Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I miss my days in Cambodia.

The market in Kampong Speu.

A child carrying guavas on his head.

It's time to say goodbye,

I marveled at how the smallest things could make my day:

A Child who decided to bestow a smile on me;
Kids who freely give me many hugs;
Newly acquainted locals showered me with letters;
and a few drawings too;
A keychain from a 14 yr old boy;
and a jar of stars made by an 18yr old girl for someone she really loves;
A 500riel note folded into a pair of swan by a 19yr old boy.

This is their public transport.
They used a van instead of a bus.
This guy was calling for passengers.

Bbq banana.
One should give this a try.

Palm sugar.
They used this for cooking.
That's why their food always has a sweet taste.

Traditional dance.

The kids in the childcare centre.
Some were streets children which have been brought back,
so that they could go to school to study.

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